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The New Orleans Picayune says:
We may fairly assume that secession is resorted to because the people of Louisiana feel the yoke of oppression too grievous to be borne, and, in their opinion, it affords the surest and speediest relief.
The yoke which we suppose the Picayunerefers to is the seven millions per annum paid for the last five years by the people as a tax upon sugar, for the benefit of Louisiana sugar planters. Not a tea-spoon passes from the morning and evening cup to the mouth of a Northern man, women or child, the contents of which is not taxed for the benefit of Louisiana. And besides all this, the United States paid $50,000 to get a supply of sugar cane for Louisiana, when her seed failed.
Such is the yoke that weighs down Louisiana and so she seeks to break this yoke and let the oppressed go free.