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Speech of Hon. Alex H. Stephens.
Our readers will find on the first page of to-day’s paper, a speech made by Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, at Savannah, Georgia, on the 21st of March. We publish this, that our readers may derive from one of the brightest minds in the Union, a clear, frank and reliable view of what the people of the Southern Confederacy hold in reference to leading questions of government, and more especially as to the relative positions of the white and negro races. He holds that if the negro is not equal to the white man, he is necessarily inferior, and if inferior, must be subordinate. But our readers will not fail to peruse the speech for themselves, and we need not elaborate. It will give the speech some additional interest to remind our readers that Mr. Stephens, during sixteen years’ service in Congress earned for himself so high a character, that Judge Douglas, on the day previous to the dismemberment of the Baltimore Convention, wrote to a friend in that body proposing that his own name should be withdrawn and Mr. Stephens be nominated in his stead.