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Scanned by
Cumberland County Historical Society
Sized, cropped, and adjusted for use here by John Osborne, Dickinson College, February 28, 2011.
Depicted ContentCarlisle, PA
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Courtesy of
Cumberland County Historical Society, Carlisle, PA
Original caption
Buildings on the north side of E. High Street, c. 1873. On the left is the Diller Leidich residence. Located next door is Leidich's dry goods store. The large building with the distinctive cupola was a hotel. It became the Wellington Hotel c. 1900.
Source citation
Photograph Collection, Cumberland County Historical Society
Source note
Photographer: unknown.
The original of this image is held in the Cumberland County Historical Society in Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Please include this in your citation. Should higher resolution copies be required for any reason, please contact the Photograph Curator directly at the Cumberland County Historical Society or visit their archives. The House Divided Project at Dickinson College is grateful for the partnership and assistance of the Society.