Record Data
“Southern Politics and Parties,” Democratic Alleganian, Cumberland, Maryland, 5
September 1857, p.2.
SOUTHERN POLITICS AND PARTIES. –The Richmond Whig, acting on the principle laid down by the Irishman, that if he was dead, he would own it, frankly acknowledges that the American party South is defunct. It says –
“We trust that the wise men of the American party will put their heads together, and they will undoubtedly reach the inevitable conclusion that Americanism, as a respectable and formidable organization, is dead – dead forever, beyond the prospect, or the hope, or the power of resurrection. With only five or ten members of Congress in both branches, what of cheer does the future promise for it? We command the melancholy subject to the calm and prayerful consideration of every American in the Union.”
The Whig’s advice to the men with whom it has heretofore acted, is as follows:--
“We advise what we have heretofore advised, an abandonment of the lifeless remains of the American party, and the substitution in their stead of a new and living party, with just and comprehensive principles. Unless there is manifested the sagacity, the wisdom, and the common sense to adopt the course we have indicated, the opposition to the Democracy, which constitutes an overwhelming majority of the people of the Union, can never be unitedly and successfully rallied. This, it seems to us, is a self-evident truth, and needs neither argument nor illustration to enforce it.”