Record Data
A FUGITIVE SLAVE RETURNED TO FLORIDA. – The Hyannis (Mass.) Messenger of yesterday, says that the brig Rolerson, Captain Orlando, came into that port on Sunday, the 8th inst., with a fugitive slave on board. The slave had secreted himself on board the brig at Pensacola, and did not show himself until the vessel had been several days out, when he was forced to do so by hunger. The brig put into Hyannis with the man in irons, for the purpose of telegraphing to the U.S. Marshal at Boston, to be in readiness to take charge of him on the arrival of the brig at that city. The schooner Elizabeth B., Captain Bacon, then lying in port, was chartered for $500 to carry the slave to Norfolk, Virginia. Captain Bacon agreed to have him sent thence to Pensacola. The schooner sailed accordingly on Monday morning last, before the facts became publicly known – the slave being chained to the capstan.