Confederate Brigadier-General Henry Hopkins Sibley, a former U.S. Army major who had served in the SouthWest, had been assigned in July 1861 to take command in Texas and mount a conquest of New Mexico. He made his headquarters at San Antonio, Texas and organized a brigade of mostly mounted Texas volunteers and moved out towards Fort Bliss, Texas where he arrived on December 14, 1861 and took command of the newly designated "Army of New Mexico." His invasion was decisively repulsed during the early 1862. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
George H. Pettis, "The Confederate Invasion of New Mexico and Arizona," in Robert Underwood Johnson and Clarence Clough Buel, eds., Battles and leaders of the Civil War: being for the most part contributions by Union and Confederate officers ... (New York, The Century Company, 1887), II: 104-110.
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