West Hughes Humphreys had been appointed to the U.S. District Court of Tennessee, his home state, in March 1853. When Tennessee seceded in 1861 he took up an appointment on the corresponding Confederate District Court. The U.S. House of Representatives had voted to impeach Humphreys three days before and his trial was organized in the Senate. The trial itself took place on June 24, 1862. Humphreys was found guilty on all seven counts against him and disqualified as a federal judge by a vote of 36-0. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
U.S. Senate, Extracts from the Journal of the United States Senate in all cases of Impeachment brough by the House of Representatives, 1798-1904 (Washington, DC, Government Printing Office, 1912), 147-160.
Frank Moore, ed., The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry, Etc. (New York: G.P. Putnam, 1863), V: 15.
Record Data
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