A warparty of Southern Utes attacked the mail coach thirty miles west of Salt Lake City. The driver and another employee were killed. The Union commander in the district, General P. Edward Connor, already beset with hostilities from other tribes, as well as with the antipathy of Mormons in the area, called for reinforcements. The Second California Volunteer Cavalry were immediately dispatched from San Francisco. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
Frank Moore, ed., The Rebellion Record: A Diary of American Events, with Documents, Narratives, Illustrative Incidents, Poetry, Etc. (New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1864), VII: 6.
Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, (Army) Series I, vol. 50, Part 2, p. 481
Official Records of the War of the Rebellion, (Army) Series I, vol. 50, Part 2, p. 481
Record Data
Date Certainty