Brownsville, Texas, December 1863, artist's impression, detail

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Scanned by
Don Sailor, Archives and Special Collections, Dickinson College
Scan date
Cropped, sized, and prepared for use by John Osborne, Dickinson College, November 24, 2013
Depicted ContentBrownsville, TX
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Original caption
The War in Texas - Brownsville, now occupied by the army under Major-General N.P. Banks, showing Santa Cruz Ferry - From a sketch by L. Avery.
Source citation
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, December 05, 1863, p. 173.
Source note
Cropped from the larger image, also available here
How to Cite This Page: "Brownsville, Texas, December 1863, artist's impression, detail," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College,