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Cropped, sized, and prepared for use here by John Osborne, Dickinson College, April 7, 2014.
Depicted ContentCivil War Homefront
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The War in America: Arrival of a Federal Steamer with Flag of Truce at Madisonville, Lake Portchartrain.
Source citation
Illustrated London News,April 11, 1863, p. 401.
Source note
"Arrival of a A Flag Of Truce On Confederate Territory. Our Engraving represents one of the many curious and interesting episodes of the Civil War in America--the arrival of a steamer with a flag of truce in Dixie's Land. Happily, it is of a lighter and less tragic character than the majority of the Illustrations which have appeared in our columns. The scene of the incident which we have illustrated is the village of Madisonville, lying upon a little river bearing the Indian name of Chefunctee, on the northern shore of Portchartrain [sic] . This coast remains in the undisputed possession of the Confederates, while the Federals occupy the southern side. The steam-boat, one of the high-pressure kind so commonly in use on the Mississippi, and connected in our minds with thoughts of boiler explosions and snag impalements, has just landed a crowd of women and children, "registered enemies" of the United States, and who have been conveyed at their own request to the rebels--their husbands, friends, and relatives." ( Illustrated London News,</em>April 11, 1863, p. 402)