BELFAST, p.t., port of entry and seat of justice of Waldo co, Me., situated at the head of Belfast bay, on the west side of Penobscot river, and 30 miles from the ocean; 43 ms. E. of Augusta, and 636 ms. from W. It has a spacious harbor, safe for vessels of th largest class, and is extensively in the coasting and foreign trade, fisheries, and ship-building; principal exports, lumber and fish. Pop. in 1810, 1,259; 1820, 2,026; 1830, 3,077; 1840, 4,186; 1850, 5,051. (Fanning's, 1853)
Record Data
Place Unit Type
City or Town
Date | Type | |
- | In Maine, a massive overnight fire destroys large parts of the port of Belfast | Crime/Disasters |