In Maryland, the sailing of the British steamer Somerset inaugurates the Baltimore Liverpool Steamship Line

Small boats gathered in Baltimore Harbor to give a celebratory send-off to the voyage to Liverpool of the brand-new steamship Somerset. The voyage inaugurated a new Baltimore and Liverpool Steamship Line, partnered with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, between Baltimore and the major British port of Liverpool, the first regular service from Maryland direct to any destination on the other side of the Atlantic .  (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
"Sailing of the Somerset," Frank Leslie's Illustrated Magazine, October 28, 1865, p. 84.
"The Baltimore and Liverpool Steamship Line," New York Times, October 2, 1865. 
How to Cite This Page: "In Maryland, the sailing of the British steamer Somerset inaugurates the Baltimore Liverpool Steamship Line," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College,