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Jia Ma, House Divided Project at Dickinson College
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Cropped, sized, and prepared for use by John Osborne, Dickinson College, November 28, 2016.
Depicted ContentSeward, William Henry
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Archives and Special Collections, Dickinson College, Carlisle, Pennsylvania
Original caption
WHAT WE MAY LOOK FOR SOON. "The Hon. TOOKOOLOTO JAPENKOKER, Delegate from the Kodiak District of the former Russian Possessions, arrived yesterday from New Archangel. He dined at DELMONICO'S, and ordered the repast in the haute cuisine of Kodiak: train oil for two; tallow candles for one; whale blubber for one (but substituted raw pork, as the other was not to be had); asked for a seal's fin, but took India rubber, faute de mieux, with a glass of spirits of turpentine; wanted a rat in an advanced stage of decomposition, but had to put up with a bad egg."
Source citation
Harper's Weekly Magazine, May 4, 1867, p. 288.