In England, a Greek cargo ship is destroyed in a huge explosion as it prepares to sail from the port of Liverpool.

Built as a swift blockade runner during the American Civil War and recently purchased by the Greek government, the steamer Bubulina was fully loaded with coal, guns, and gunpowder was preparing to sail from the English port of Liverpool when it suffered a massive explosion.  The mid-section of the vessel was obliterated and the the bow and stern sections floated free on the River Mersey. Many of the seventy-three men aboard were rescued but those in the boiler-room, upwards to a dozen men, were never seen again.  (By John Osborne)

Source Citation

"Chronicle of Remarkable Occurences in 1867", The Annual Register or a View of the History and Politics of the Year 1867 (London: F. & J. Rivington, 1868), 161-163.

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