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Sarah Goldberg, House Divided Project, Dickinson College
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Cropped, sized, and prepared for use here by John Osborne, Dickinson College, July 19, 2017.
Depicted ContentGreeley, Horace
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Archives and Special Collections, Dickinson College
Original caption
SATAN REBUKING SIN (The European papers say that Mr. Carlyle, the celebrated author, is generally followed by a train of rowdy boys, attracted by the outlandish hat he wears) Mr. Carlyle: "Some of the little street boys have been hooting after me in the street, and making remarks on my broad brimmed hat." Horace Greeley: "Well, all I can say is, that it serves you right. A man has no right to make himself conspicuous by his dress in the public streets." (See Tribune editorial last Monday)
Source citation
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, July 20, 1867, p. 288.