Record Data
A threatening insurrection has broken out at Harper’s Ferry, for which no sufficient reason has, as yet, been assigned. A band, said to be composed of negroes and white men, numbering two hundred and fifty, on Saturday night seized the bridge and took possession of the Government arsenal, which is located at Harpers Ferry. The express train, going east, was twice fired into and the assistant baggage-master is said to have been killed, while one of the baggage-masters, in attempting to cross the bridge, was seized by the insurgents and put in confinement. The streets of the town had been barricaded and were said to be in possession of the originators of the revolt. Government troops had been sent on from Washington to quell the disturbance, and those in the immediate neighborhood had also been called out. Some considered the movement as originating with the Abolitionists, while others looked upon it as an attempt to get possession of the funds in the Government pay-house, a large amount having been recently deposited there.