Mr. Buchanan’s Cabinet; From Nicaragua; Union State Convention

    Source citation
    “Mr. Buchanan’s Cabinet; From Nicaragua; Union State Convention,” Carlisle Herald, Carlisle, PA, 25 February 1857, p. 2.
    Newspaper: Publication
    Carlisle (PA) Herald
    Newspaper: Headline
    Mr. Buchanan’s Cabinet; From Nicaragua; Union State Convention
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Date Certainty
    Meghan Allen
    Transcription date
    Transcriber's Comments
    Should it be J. Glancy Jones or J. GlancEy Jones for subject field?
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print.  Spelling and other typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.
    MR. BUCHANAN’S CABINET will it is said, be composed of Lewis Cass, Secretary of State; Howell Cobb, of Georgia, Secretary of the Treasury; ex-Governor Brown, of Tennessee,, Secretary of the Navy; Isaac Toucey, of Conn., Attorney General; ex-Governor Floyd, of Va., Secretary of War; J. Glancey Jones, of Pa., Postmaster General; and Jacob Thompson of Miss., Secretary of the Interior.

    The above programme, which seems to be nearest correct of all yet given, shows that Mr. Buchanan has determined to make his administration pro-slavery up to the hub. The majority of the Cabinet (if the above list is correct,) are from the Slave States, and those from the North have always sided with the Slave interest. It may be set down as a fixed fact that the new administration will do nothing positive to prevent the spread of the ‘peculiar institution.’ This is carrying out the principles of modern ‘democracy,’ but it is vastly behind the spirit of the age, and Mr. Buchanan will find it so before his term is out. The true sentiment of the great body of the people, North and South, is—no more Slave Territory.

    A later programme says Glancey Jones has declined the P.O. Department, and W.C. Alexander of New Jersey, is now announced for that post.

    FROM NICARAGUA—A telegraphic despatch from New Orleans last week gave very flattering accounts of Gen. Walker’s progress in Nicaragua. The arrival of the steamer in Tennessee at New York, on Saturday, brings us the other side of the story. Walker’s entire force is now stated at 800 men of which only 300 were with him. The reinforcements under Lockridge and Titus are estimated at 550, but whether these are included in the 800 we cannot say. The battles in which the Costa Ricans were reported by the New Orleans accounts to have been beaten, now turn out to have been very doubtful in their results, the Fillibusters losing some of their best officers.

    Union State Convention.

    The following call of a State Convention says the Harrisburg Telegraph, has been signed by nearly all the members of the Legislature opposed to the present National Administration; and at a meeting held last evening the Committee to obtain signatures were, we understand, instructed to publish the call with the names, on Tuesday next. As several members are absent who are understood to be favorable to the call, its official publication is held back till they return to Harrisburg:

    The citizens of Pennsylvania who are opposed to the extension of Slavery and to the other equally obnoxious principles of the incoming National Administration, as announced in the Cincinnati platform; --who are opposed to the union of church and State, the exclusion of the Bible from our Common Schools, and in favor of protecting the ballot box from the corrupt influences by which the will of the people was defeated in the recent State and Presidential elections, are requested to elect delegates, equal in number, to the present representation in the Senate and House of Representatives, to meet in Convention in the Hall of the House of Representatives, at Harrisburg, on Tuesday, the 25th day of March next at 12 o’clock M., to nominate candidates for Governor, Judge of the Supreme Court and Canal Commissioner, to be supported at the ensuring October election.

    Harrisburg, Feb. 21st, 1857.
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