Jun. 7 1847-Letter from Robert Emory to George Fechtig

    Source citation
    Emory, Robert, to George Fechtig, Carlisle, PA, 7 June 1847. Methodist Historical Society, Baltimore, MD.
    Recipient (to)
    Fechtig, George
    Date Certainty
    Peter Lake

    The following text is presented here in complete form, as true to the original written document as possible.


    Dickinson College
    June 7, 1847

    My dear bro.,
    You have no doubt hear of the riot in our town last week, in connection with the attempts of some citizens of Hagerstown to take their slaves from ere. Perhaps you have also heard it reported the Prof. M’Clintock was conceived in instigating or encouraging the riot. If you knew him as well as I do, you would know, even without evidence, that [illegible] was impossible. But I have thought it proper, for the sake of the church + the college, as well as for the sake of the Professor’s friends in Hagerstown, to say to you,

    that I have taken much pains to get at the truth, + that there is the accepted testimony from most respectable witnesses, that Prof M’Clintock (whose presence on the occasion at all even by the truest accident is entirely innocent of the imputations cast on him.) did something unbecoming a Christian or a law loving citizen, whatever may be his vein on the subject of slavery (+ they are by no means so ultra as many viccagices) it is contrary to his principles to attempt to prevent a master’s recovering his slaves. The clamor that was raised against him at first, was got up, I deem true, by certain levd fellows of the baser sort; + a reaction is fast taking place. The fact

    is I believe there would have been no trouble at all, if the owners, under unfortunate advice, had riot proceeded (as indeed did the magistrates + officers) in [illegeible] violation of the law of our state, of which in fact they seems to have been ignorant.
    I have thought it best to [illegible] you in hope [illegible] of these facts, that you may have it in your power to do, above the voices of any that you may find prejudicedagainst Prof. M’C, If his [illegible] has not been [illegible], of course you will say something about it. But if you should happen to learnthat any of your papers are likely to give an erroneous view of the case, it might be well to connect them, I have not tried to give you all the now. But when you get them, you will find the story of the three black crows verified, with a vengeance. I may add that the students, who were somewhat excited at first are now respectively quiet. I’ve to go presently,

    Very [illegible]
    Robt. Emory

    How to Cite This Page: "Jun. 7 1847-Letter from Robert Emory to George Fechtig," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/node/651.