The Fugitive Slave Law

    Source citation
    “The Fugitive Slave Law,” Herald & Expositor, 23 October 1850, p. [not listed].
    Newspaper: Publication
    Carlisle (PA) Herald & Expositor
    Newspaper: Headline
    The Fugitive Slave Law
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    not listed
    Date Certainty
    Meghan Rafferty
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as true to the original written document as possible. Spelling and other typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.


    The different ecclesiastical bodies which are now or have been lately in session, have caught the excitement relative to the Fugitive Slave Law. A telegraphic dispatch dated Pittsburg, Oct. 17th, speaking of the Old School Presbyterian Synod of Western Pennsylvania, says—
    The Presbyterian (old school) synod met here in convention today, and was organized by electing the Rev. George Marshall, Modermior. Two hundred ministers and elders are in attendance, this being the largest synod in connection with that body.

    A memorial from the Session and Congregation of the Presbytery of Beaver, was presented, praying the synod to give an expression of its opinion on the Fugitive Slave Law. Bill—The memorial denounces the law as iniquitous and unjust.
    A motion was made to indefinitely postpone the subject, which was voted down, but one voting in its favor.
    The Rev. Mr. Proctor Smith, Dr. Campbell and others, spoke against the law, denouncing it as unconstitutional, subversive of morality, and oppressive to enlightened freedom, and declaring that they will suffer the penitentiary rather than submit to such an outrageous law.
    Much excitement prevailed, when finally a committee, composed principally of its bitterest opponents was appointed to report on the subject.
    The New York State Baptist Convention, which met at Brookport on the 9th [illegible] Rev. Gibbon Williams in the chair, passed a series of resolutions repudiating the fugitive slave law as contrary to the spirit of the Declaration of National Independence, and opposed to the direct grants of the constitution to every citizen, and to the law of, God. And as such they pledge themselves not voluntarily to aid, by any means whatever, in giving effectiveness to the law, for the speedy repeal of which they will do everything that is in their power.

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