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Type Title
Battles/Soldiers - In Louisiana, the garrison of Fort Jackson mutinies and the fort surrenders soon after
US/the World New British built steamer Oreto arrives in the Bahamas, a secret purchase of the Confederate Navy
Battles/Soldiers New warship Sacramento launched at the Portsmouth Navy Yard in eastern Maine
Battles/Soldiers In northern Alabama, Union troops capture the Bridgeport railroad bridge over the Tennessee River
Battles/Soldiers In Richmond, Virginia, Union agent Timothy Webster becomes the first spy executed during the war
Lawmaking/Litigating U.S. House censures former Secretary of War Simon Cameron for his lax fiscal dealings while in office
Battles/Soldiers Major General Benjamin Butler begins his notorious eight months as military governor of New Orleans
Battles/Soldiers In Virginia, Union artillery outside Yorktown delivers a preliminary barrage on Confederate defenses
Science/Technology In Philadelphia, the U.S. Navy's first submarine, French-designed and called the Alligator, is launched
US/the World Secretary of State Seward tells all foreign diplomats New Orleans will soon again be open for business
Battles/Soldiers - In eastern Virginia, thousands of Confederate troops make a stealthy withdrawal from Yorktown
Battles/Soldiers Captured blockade runner packed with munitions arrives in New York harbor as a U.S. Navy prize
Battles/Soldiers Near Williamsburg, Virginia, forty-thousand pursuing Union troops clash with the Confederate rearguard
US/the World In Mexico, seven thousand French troops are repulsed in their attack on the town of Puebla
Battles/Soldiers Union telegrapher dies in a Washington DC hospital of wounds from a booby-trap left in Yorktown
Lawmaking/Litigating In Cincinnati District Court, Justice Swayne quashes an indictment for treason on constitutional grounds
Battles/Soldiers William Stoker enters Company H of the 18th Texas Infantry in Jefferson, Texas
Battles/Soldiers At Eltham's Landing, Confederate units thwart Union attempts to cut off their retreat from Yorktown
Battles/Soldiers Off Norfolk, Virginia, President Lincoln observes a bombardment of Confederate positions
Lawmaking/Litigating Without authority, Union General David Hunter declares all slaves in three states "forever free"
Battles/Soldiers - Confederate forces evacuate Pensacola, Florida burning installations and stores before leaving
Battles/Soldiers Captain Charles H. Davis replaces Commodore A.H. Foote as commander of the Union's Mississippi Flotilla
Crime/Disasters - In New York, massive wild fires rage across Long Island for days destroying farms, homes, and animals
Crime/Disasters Deadly daytime fire devastates residential sections of Troy, New York
Crime/Disasters Freak railroad accident hits Indiana governor's train and kills the state's Superintendent of Instruction
Battles/Soldiers In Virginia, a Union amphibious operation forces the surrender of Norfolk and its naval installations
Business/Industry In Philadelphia, War of 1812 hero Charles Stewart does the honors at launch of new Union ironclad
Battles/Soldiers Sharp half-hour naval engagement on the Mississippi River below Fort Pillow in Tennessee
Crime/Disasters Notorious outlaw is tracked down and killed in Miami County, Kansas
Battles/Soldiers In Virginia, the famous and feared Confederate ironclad "Merrimac" is burned to avoid its capture