
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Education/Culture In baseball, Brooklyn Excelsior visits Maryland to play Baltimore Excelsior
Campaigns/Elections Senator Seward campaigns for the Republican Party in St. Joseph, Missouri
US/the World Gabriel Garcia Moreno's victory at Battle of Guayaquil ends the civil war in Ecuador
Crime/Disasters In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, an exploding boiler flies through four brick walls and kills twelve people
Crime/Disasters St. Louis bound river steamer sinks near the mouth of the Missouri River
Campaigns/Elections In Maryland, Breckinridge supporter William Yancey of Alabama speaks before a large crowd in Easton
Campaigns/Elections In New York City, Republican "Wide Awakes" brawl with Bell supporters on Broadway
US/the World - The Prince of Wales resumes his American tour, visiting St. Louis, Missouri
Campaigns/Elections Campaigning in Kansas, Senator Seward receives a hero's welcome at Lawrence
US/the World Ecuador adopts a new national flag
Religion/Philosophy Yom Kippur
US/the World In Panama, American and British warships land troops to restore order
Education/Culture Five gold prospectors climb Mount St. Helens in Washington Territory
Crime/Disasters In Texas, a coastal steamboat bursts its boilers with heavy loss of life
US/the World - On his American tour, Prince Albert is in Cincinnati, Ohio
Education/Culture Just arrived in New York City, French billiard champion Claudius Berger gives his first American exhibition
US/the World The last Papal troops in the Pope's central Italian provinces surrender at Ancona
US/the World - Garibaldi and his Italian nationalists inflict final defeat on the Bourbon forces at Battle of Volturno
Campaigns/Elections Florida holds state-wide elections, choosing Breckinridge Democrat John Milton as governor
Campaigns/Elections In Connecticut, Bridgeport elects a Republican mayor
US/the World - The Prince of Wales visits Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
US/the World Count Cavour prepares to annex central and southern provinces into a united Italy
Personal Famous portrait painter Rembrandt Peale dies at his home in Philadelphia
Campaigns/Elections In New York City, 12,000 Republican "Wide-Awakes" march in a huge torch-lit night parade
Crime/Disasters - Severe gales pound the north-east coast of England and Scotland
US/the World In Pennsylvania, the Prince of Wales tours the state capitol in Harrisburg
US/the World The Prince of Wales is in Washington, DC, hosted at the White House
Crime/Disasters In Pennsylvania, a railroad depot near Pittsburgh is damaged by fire
Education/Culture In New York City, the press get a preview of Mathew Brady's new photographic gallery on Broadway
Campaigns/Elections William H. Seward continues his stumping tour for Republicans in Cleveland, Ohio