
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
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Lawmaking/Litigating U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee finds the evidence insufficient to expel Indiana Senator Jesse Bright
Campaigns/Elections In Columbus, National Union Democrat David Tod is sworn in as the 25th Governor of Ohio
Crime/Disasters In northern Delaware, a work train crashes into the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal, killing seven
Lawmaking/Litigating U.S. Senate confirms Edwin M. Stanton's nomination as Secretary of War on a vote of 36-2
Science/Technology Full moon shines over eastern United States
Crime/Disasters In northern England, salmon poachers kill a "water-watcher"
Crime/Disasters The Hartley Colliery disaster in north-east England kills more than two hundred British coal miners
Lawmaking/Litigating The U.S. Senate votes 26-14 to confirm Simon Cameron as the new ambassador to Russia
Personal John Tyler, 10th United States President, dies in his hotel room in Richmond, Virginia, aged 71
Battles/Soldiers In eastern Kentucky, Union forces defeat Confederate troops at Mill Spring
Lawmaking/Litigating Secretary of War E.M. Stanton orders appointment of Union commissioners to visit Southern prisons
Battles/Soldiers Almost 40,000 Missourians are now in Union uniform, according to state reports
Business/Industry Agoston Haraszthy brings 100,000 vine cuttings from Europe to the vineyards of northern California
Education/Culture In Washington DC, President and Mrs. Lincoln attend an evening of Verdi and Bellini opera
Lawmaking/Litigating St. Louis southern sympathizer contests local tax to help refugees and lands in jail, with his lawyer
Battles/Soldiers In the English port of Southampton, sailors from Confederate and Union warships brawl in a pub
Personal American novelist and essayist Edith Wharton is born into a wealthy family in New York City
Crime/Disasters After eight days, rescuers at the Hartley Colliery disaster find the remains of 199 men and boys
Lawmaking/Litigating The U.S. Senate votes 38-1 to confirm Noah Haynes Swayne of Ohio to the U.S. Supreme Court
Battles/Soldiers The U.S. Navy sinks a second "stone fleet" to block another channel in Charleston Harbor
Personal Robert E. Lee appoints Edward Warren as Medical Inspector of the Department of Northern Virginia
Crime/Disasters In Scotland, children playing with railway switches cause a fatal accident on the Scottish Northeastern Railway
Battles/Soldiers In Prince William's County, a night of entertainment ends in death for ten Texas cavalrymen
US/the World The Confederate commissioners Mason and Slidell finally arrive in England
Science/Technology John Ericsson's new ironclad is launched in New York
Science/Technology Massachusetts astronomer Alvan Clark discovers the new star now called "Sirius B"
Education/Culture Verses of "The Battle Hymn of the Republic" published anonymously in the Atlantic Monthly
Crime/Disasters Massachusetts court orders six men to trial for the August tarring and feathering of a Haverhill editor
Battles/Soldiers - On the Tennessee River, Union forces deploy for an assault on Forts Henry and Donelson
US/the World Watched by the U.S.S. Tuscarora, the Confederate warship Nashville sails from Southampton