
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Crime/Disasters In Washington, DC, a disastrous fire kills hundreds of horses at a government livery stables
Battles/Soldiers Philip St. George Cocke, Confederate general and veteran of Bull Run, shoots himself dead at his home in Virginia
Education/Culture Union Colonel James A. Mulligan, hero of the Battle of Lexington, speaks for a Catholic charity in Philadelphia
US/the World Off Mississippi, a U.S. Navy steamer collides with a French warship sent to evacuate citizens from New Orleans
Crime/Disasters Powerful British warship wrecked on a reef in the Bahamas
Business/Industry Banks in New York City, Boston, and Philadelphia suspend payment in gold and silver
Battles/Soldiers As the year closes, the armed forces of the United States reach a strength of more than 680,000 men
Battles/Soldiers On the Mississippi Gulf coast, U.S. Navy units based at Ship Island capture the town of Biloxi
Lawmaking/Litigating Federal Income Tax takes effect in the United States
Personal - Harriet Tubman works as a nurse for the Union Army in South Carolina
US/the World The United States releases the Confederate commissioners Mason and Slidell into British custody
Battles/Soldiers In South Carolina, a Confederate steamer easily avoids the U.S. Navy and enters the blockaded port of Charleston
Crime/Disasters Fatal railway accident in Northern Ireland
Battles/Soldiers At Hampton, Virginia, two hundred and forty exchanged Union prisoners reach Fort Monroe
Battles/Soldiers In western Virginia, the Confederate "Stonewall Brigade" occupies Bath in Morgan County
Battles/Soldiers Confederate artillery shells Hancock, Maryland, firing across the Potomac from Morgan County, Virginia
Crime/Disasters The second hanging of an Army of the Potomac soldier takes place north of Washington DC
Crime/Disasters The central square of Dover, New Hampshire is heavily damaged in a morning fire
US/the World - France, Britain, and Spain land troops at the Mexican port of Vera Cruz to enforce debt payments
Battles/Soldiers Union troops defeat Confederate units in a brief skirmish at Blue's Gap in western Virginia
Crime/Disasters South of Chicago, an express hits the back of a local commuter train, killing one and injuring many more
US/the World The U.S.S. Tuscarora moors in Southampton Water, a mile from the Confederate commerce Nashville
Campaigns/Elections In Annapolis, Unionist Augustus Bradford is sworn in as the 32nd Governor of Maryland
US/the World The news of the release of Slidell and Mason reaches the British Isles
Lawmaking/Litigating U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee votes to expel Missouri Senators Waldo Johnson and Trusten Polk
Campaigns/Elections In Sacramento, Republican railway builder Leland Stanford becomes the eighth governor of California
Lawmaking/Litigating The United States Senate expels Missouri Senators Waldo Johnson and Trusten Polk for treason
Battles/Soldiers In eastern Kentucky, future U.S. President James A. Garfield wins a small but important Union victory
Personal Multi-millionaire inventor and businessman Samuel Colt dies at his estate in Connecticut
Lawmaking/Litigating Secretary of War Simon Cameron resigns and is appointed minister to Russia