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The Popular Majority – Our State Ticket Certainly Elected – Illinois a Republican State.
Illinois has pronounced against Douglas by her popular vote and elected the Republican State Ticket by a majority which we estimate at FIVE THOUSAND at the very least. The Democracy at Springfield telegraphed to this city on Saturday that eighty-three counties had been heard from – giving a Republican majority of 2,200, supposing the remaining seventeen stood as in 1856. We judge we shall have a larger majority than Governor Bissell received two years ago.
When you get up your glorification here [Messrs.?] Democrats, call for three cheers for Fondey and French! - Chicago Tribune of yesterday.
In addition to the REPUBLICAN triumph on the State ticket, it is very plainly intimated in the Chicago Herald [Administration] and the Chicago Tribune [Republican] of yesterday, that the Administration can count upon the votes of three Senators and two or three Assemblymen, against DOUGLAS. We infer, from the scolding of the Chicago Times [Douglas] that there is truth in the story. If so, the DOUGLAS game in Illinois is “up!”