Washington (DC) National Era, "Black Republicanism in Missouri," January 1, 1857

    Source citation
    “Black Republicanism in Missouri - The Result in Missouri — The Result in Missouri,” Washington (DC) National Era, January 1, 1857, p. 4: 5.
    Original source
    Newspaper: Publication
    Washington National Era
    Newspaper: Headline
    Black Republicanism in Missouri - The Result in Missouri
    Newspaper: Page(s)
    Newspaper: Column
    Date Certainty
    Meghan Allen, Dickinson College
    Transcription date
    The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and other typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.


    From the Anzeiger of November 5, 1856.

    Official returns from 104 counties give Buchanan 57,388, and Fillmore 48,049 votes. Buchanan’s majority 9,334. Returns from the three remaining counties (Kent, New Madrid, and Dunklin) will increase Buchanan’s majority about 300 votes, so that his majority may be set down, in round numbers, at 9,600.

    The total number of votes cast at the Presidential election, in round numbers, 106,000. If we compare this result with that of the State election in August, when 115,000 votes were cast, we will perceive that 9,000 more votes were cast then than at the Presidential election. Polk received 46,889, Benton 27,527, and Ewing 40,578 votes. The united Democratic majority over the Know Nothings was, in round numbers, 34,080 votes. Buchanan’s vote is about 12,000 greater than Polk’s, and Fillmore’s 8,000 greater than Ewing’s. From this we may infer, we reasonable certainty, that of the 27,527 votes which Benton got about 12,000 were cast for Buchanan, and of the remainder about half were not cast at all.

    The same calculation furnishes a fully correct estimate of the Republican vote in Missouri. It may be assumed that the 15,000 Bentonites, who either voted for Fillmore or dtd not vote at all, make up the strength of the Republican party in Missouri. But we must remember that many Germans voted for Buchanan, who, in an election between Buchanan and Fremont, would have voted for the latter.

    There is, then, the nucleus of a Republican party in Missouri, composed of 15,000 to 20,000 votes—and this is the most noteworthy fact to be inferred from a comparison of the vote cast in November with that cast in August. Col. Benton could not lead even a majority of his party into the Buchanan camp.

    In the year 1860, a Republican party will take the field in Missouri, and will boldly battle against the Slavery Propaganda.

    As far as may be inferred with safety, from the number of votes cast at the Presidential election, it seems that all of the Western States have lately increased in population more rapidly than Missouri. Illinois for example, which, under the census of 1850, is entitled to nine Representatives, cast at the Presidential election about 240,000 votes—more than double the number of those cast in Missouri in August. Illinois will probably send, under the census o f 1860, twice as many Representatives to Congress as Missouri, Iowa, Wisconsin, &c., also show a respectable increase in the number of votes. The latter, which has only three Representatives at present, cast 100,000 votes; while Iowa, which has now only two Representatives, cast 75,000 votes.

    We shall recur again to this subject, when we shall have obtained reliable information from all the States.

    How to Cite This Page: "Washington (DC) National Era, "Black Republicanism in Missouri," January 1, 1857," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/index.php/node/42.