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Type Title
Battles/Soldiers - Grant's Overland Campaign against the Army of Northern Virginia continues
Science/Technology A partial eclipse of the Sun is visible in northwestern North America
Religion/Philosophy Ascension Day
Battles/Soldiers In Spotsylvania County, Virginia, the Battle of the Wilderness continues for a second bloody day
Battles/Soldiers In Spotsylvania County, Virginia, the Battle of the Wilderness ends and Union maneuvering continues
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of Spotsylvania, May 8-21, 1864
US/the World Danish and Austrian naval units clash in the North Sea at the Battle of Heligoland
Crime/Disasters In London, a locomotive on the new underground railway explodes spectacularly, though no lives are lost
Battles/Soldiers Battle of Yellow Tavern, May 11, 1864
Battles/Soldiers Thousands of Union wounded from the Battle of the Wilderness begin to arrive in Philadelphia hospitals
Battles/Soldiers Famed Confederate cavalry leader J.E.B. Stuart is mortally wounded in the stomach at Yellow Tavern
Battles/Soldiers At a private house in Richmond, Confederate cavalry commander General J.E.B. Stuart dies of his wounds
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of Resaca, May 13-15, 1864
Battles/Soldiers Private William Christman of Pennsylvania becomes the first soldier laid to rest in Arlington Cemetery
Personal General J.E.B. Stuart is buried with full honors at the Hollywood Cemetery in Richmond, Virginia
Battles/Soldiers Battle of New Market, May 15, 1864
Battles/Soldiers Private William Stoker dies sometime after the Battle of Jenkins' Ferry in May 1864
Education/Culture Famous writer Nathaniel Hawthorne, dies in his sleep while touring New Hampshire's White Mountains
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of North Anna, May 23- May 26, 1864
Education/Culture Nathaniel Hawthorne is buried in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord, Massachusetts
US/the World In London, the formal royal celebrations of the Queen's official birthday return after a four year hiatus
Education/Culture In England, the horse Blair Athol wins the eighty-fifth running of the Derby
US/the World On Corfu, British officials transfer administration of the Ionian Islands to Greece
US/the World At Vera Cruz, Emperor Maximilian of Mexico arrives in his new country for the first time
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of Cold Harbor
Lawmaking/Litigating At the U.S. Capitol, debate begins in the House on the proposed 13th Amendment to the Constitution
US/the World In a formal ceremony on Corfu, Britain officially transfers the Ionian Islands to Greece
Campaigns/Elections The combined Sanitary Fair of Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware opens in Philadelphia
Lawmaking/Litigating The U.S. Congress funds "separate but equal" schools for black children in the District of Columbia
Battles/Soldiers - Battle of Marietta, June 9-July 3, 1864