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Battles/Soldiers Confederate raiders infiltrating from Canada attack the Vermont town of St. Albans
US/the World In Yokohama, Western powers force indemnities from Japanese authorities for interfering with trade
US/the World At the Quebec Conference, delegates announce their seventy-two resolutions for a united Canada
Battles/Soldiers - In the Roanoke River, a daring U.S. Navy night raid sinks the Confederate warship Albemarle
Battles/Soldiers Union cavalry General George Custer leads a delegation to present captured battle-flags to the War Department
US/the World In Austria, Prussia and Austria's victorious war against Denmark comes to an official end with the Treaty of Vienna
Lawmaking/Litigating From the White House in Washington, President Lincoln proclaims Nevada as the Union's 36th state
Religion/Philosophy All Souls' Day - The Day of the Dead in the Christian calendar
Crime/Disasters British naval vessel is shipwrecked on the Chinese coast with a very heavy loss of life
Campaigns/Elections Abraham Lincoln is re-elected as President of the United States and Republicans make sweeping electoral gains
US/the World In South America, Paraguayan naval units seize a Brazilian steamship and touch off a crisis that will lead to war
Battles/Soldiers In San Francisco Harbor, the U.S.S. Camanche is finally launched into the waters of the Pacific
Battles/Soldiers In Georgia, General W.T. Sherman and his 62,000 men march out of a burning Atlanta, heading for the sea
Battles/Soldiers - Sherman's March to the Sea, November 15- December 21, 1864
Religion/Philosophy Eighteen years after ground was broken, the new Roman Catholic Basilica of Philadelphia is dedicated
Lawmaking/Litigating Edward Bates resigns as Attorney General
Crime/Disasters - Powerful gales on the English coast cause heavy losses in ships and lives
Education/Culture In Paris, Jules Verne publishes his third novel, relating a scientific expedition to the center of the Earth.
Crime/Disasters - In New York City, Confederate agents make an apparent but failed attempt to fire much of Manhattan
Education/Culture In New York City, John Wilkes Booth performs with his brothers Edwin and Junius for the only time
Education/Culture In England, Charles Dodgson gives Alice Liddell a manuscript entitled "Alice's Adventures Underground."
Religion/Philosophy Advent Sunday - The first Sunday of Advent, the beginning of the year in the Christian calendar
Battles/Soldiers The controversially captured raider C.S.S. Florida sinks off Norfolk, Virginia after a collision
Crime/Disasters At Sand Creek in Colorado, territorial volunteers attack encamped Cheyenne and Arapaho, killing hundreds
Battles/Soldiers Six Confederate generals die in a few hours, leading their troops at the Battle of Franklin
Battles/Soldiers Outside Franklin, Tennessee, Confederate General Hood wins a tactical victory but decimates his army
Crime/Disasters In Queensland, Australia, fire destroys much of the colony's main town of Brisbane
Legal/Political The second session of the 38th Congress opens in Washington, DC
Slavery/Abolition In Philadelphia, black leaders meet with city transport companies to demand desegregation of their streetcars
Religion/Philosophy In Rome, Pope Pius IX issues a sweeping condemnation of liberalism, socialism, and the secular state