
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Battles/Soldiers The Treaty of Pinsaqui ends the short but bloody war between Ecuador and Colombia
Religion/Philosophy Moncure Conway becomes minister at South Place Chapel in London, England
Crime/Disasters New York press reports the narrow escape of a loaded immigrant ship in an Atlantic storm
Personal Archbishop John Hughes dies in New York City
Lawmaking/Litigating The first session of the 38th Congress returns from a two-week holiday recess
Religion/Philosophy Archbishop John Hughes is buried in a ceremony at St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City
Legal/Political - The first session of the 38th Congress is sitting in Washington DC from early January to early July, 1864
Battles/Soldiers In Little Rock, Arkansas, seventeen year-old David Dodd is hanged as a spy on the grounds of his old school
US/the World Near Windsor in England, the first child, and male heir, of the Prince and Princess of Wales is born
Crime/Disasters In Liverpool harbor, a British vessel carrying eleven tons of gunpowder explodes after catching fire
Business/Industry In London near Trafalgar Square, another new main-line railway station opens at Charing Cross
Personal In New York's Bellevue Hospital, songwriter Stephen Foster dies suddenly, aged thirty-seven
Crime/Disasters A derailment in Pennsylvania tosses two carriages down an embankment where they burn
Crime/Disasters In central Pennsylvania, the train carrying Stephen Foster's remains home to Pittsburgh derails
Personal Songwriter Stephen Foster is buried at the Allegheny Cemetery outside Pittsburgh
Lawmaking/Litigating Several Native American leaders of Far West tribes leave San Francisco for a trip to the East
Battles/Soldiers - William Stoker returns to Coffeeville, Texas on furlough
Battles/Soldiers Major Edgar Burroughs, C.S.A., convicted guerrilla leader, shot while trying escape from a Union hospital
US/the World German and Austrian troops advance into Danish Schleswig, opening a six month war with the Danes
Battles/Soldiers In North Carolina, Confederate sailors and marines capture a Union gunboat in a night attack
US/the World In Schleswig, Danish troops fight their first battles against invading Austrians
Campaigns/Elections The controversial "Pomeroy Circular"advocating Abraham Lincoln's replacement begins to appear
Crime/Disasters In Hartford, Connecticut, Samuel Colt's arms factory suffers massive destruction by fire
Battles/Soldiers - Confederate infantry beat back a Union reconnaissance-in-force across the Rapidan at Morton's Ford
Lawmaking/Litigating In Washington, the U.S. Senate begins the process of enabling the statehood of the Nevada Territory
Battles/Soldiers The New York City fire department welcomes home the Second Regiment of Fire Zouaves
Personal In Monroe, Michigan, General George A. Custer marries Elizabeth Bacon
Battles/Soldiers - In Richmond, 109 Union officers prisoners tunnel out of confinement and make for the Union lines
Religion/Philosophy Ash Wednesday, the first day of Lent, is celebrated across the United States
Battles/Soldiers - Union spy Elizabeth Van Lew risks her life to shelter escaping Union officers in her Richmond home