
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Battles/Soldiers The former C.S.S. Atlanta sails from the Philadelphia Naval Yard to join the Union fleet as U.S.S. Atlanta
Education/Culture "Banjo" Patterson, Australian poet and author of "Waltzing Mathilda" is born in the New South Wales outback
Battles/Soldiers In Charleston Harbor, the C.S.S. H.L. Hunley attacks and sinks the first ship ever lost to a submarine
Crime/Disasters A massive pre-dawn fire destroys a large section of Gloucester, Massachusetts
Battles/Soldiers Battle of Olustee, February 20, 1864
Personal Isaac Cole enlists in the 32nd USCT Regiment in Reading, Pennsylvania
Religion/Philosophy In Baltimore, the first Catholic Church exclusively for the use of African-Americans is dedicated
Crime/Disasters Australian ship sinks in a storm in the Pacific, survivors reached land three weeks later barely alive
Crime/Disasters Off the coast of Maine, a passenger ship from Liverpool runs on to rocks, and twenty lives are lost
Crime/Disasters In London, British authorities execute five seamen for murder on the high seas
Lawmaking/Litigating In the Senate, a Kentucky senator proposes the immediate discharging of all African-American troops
Battles/Soldiers In Georgia, the first Union prisoners arrive at the soon to be notorious prison camp at Andersonville
Education/Culture In Boston, Rebecca Davis Lee graduates as the first female African-American medical doctor
Lawmaking/Litigating In the U.S. Senate. Kentuckian Garrett Davis proposes combining six New England states into just two.
Campaigns/Elections In New Orleans, Michael Hahn is inaugurated as the first elected post-Confederate governor of Louisiana
Battles/Soldiers In Union Square in New York City, the 20th U. S. C. T. receives its colors and departs for New Orleans
Crime/Disasters Famous former blockade runner, now a U.S. Navy patrol vessel, sunk in a collision off North Carolina
US/the World King Maximilian II dies suddenly in Munich and is succeeded by his son, who becomes Ludwig II
Crime/Disasters - In northern England, the breaking of the Dale Dyke Dam causes catastrophic death and destruction
Battles/Soldiers Ulysses Simpson Grant is formally named commander of all Union Armies, with rank of Lieutenant-General
Battles/Soldiers On the Red River, Union troops storm the formidable Fort De Russy in twenty minutes
US/the World In the Battle of Jasmund, the Prussian Navy fails in an effort to break the Danish blockade of Prussia
Education/Culture On the River Thames outside London, Oxford takes the twenty-first Oxford and Cambridge Boat Race
Science/Technology First day of Spring
Religion/Philosophy Palm Sunday
Lawmaking/Litigating In Washington, President Lincoln signs the bill enabling the statehood of the Nevada Territory
Battles/Soldiers In Philadelphia, a Massachusetts colonel dispenses rough justice to a tavern owner for selling his men liquor
Education/Culture The Louisiana pianist Louis Gottschalk plays for President Lincoln at a concert in Willard's Hotel.
Religion/Philosophy Good Friday
Personal Owen Lovejoy dies in New York City