
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Business/Industry In Nebraska, the Union Pacific Railroad construction begins on the western side of the Missouri
Crime/Disasters Near New York, the steamer "Isaac Newton" explodes and burns in the Hudson River, killing twelve
Religion/Philosophy The Jewish holy days of Chanukah begin at sunset
Battles/Soldiers Colombian forces comprehensively defeat an invading Ecuadorian army at the Battle of Cuaspad
Crime/Disasters U.S. Navy monitor besieging Charleston sinks in heavy weather and over thirty crewmen are lost
Legal/Political The 38th Congress opens in Washington, DC
Religion/Philosophy - The Jewish holy days of Chanukah are being celebrated across the United States
US/the World Off Cape Cod, Canadian Confederate sympathizers seize the American steamer "Chesapeake"
Crime/Disasters In Santiago, Chile, during a religious festival, a disastrous fire kills several thousand churchgoers
Education/Culture In London, the Football Association agrees the first uniform set of laws of the game
Lawmaking/Litigating - The first session of the 38th Congress is sitting in Washington, DC
Battles/Soldiers A Union winter cavalry raid departs its West Virginia base and marches south to cut communications
Religion/Philosophy Catholics celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Crime/Disasters A massive afternoon fire in the port of New York destroys around thirty vessels
US/the World Civil wars preventing Argentine unification come to an end
Religion/Philosophy The Jewish holy days of Chanukah come to an end
Business/Industry Gerard Adriaan Heineken purchases his first brewery in Amsterdam at age twenty-two
Battles/Soldiers At Salem, Virginia, General Averell's Union cavalry raid arrives to destroy rail communications
Personal Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria is born in Graz, Austria
Campaigns/Elections The Great Western Sanitary Fair opens in Cincinnati, Ohio
Lawmaking/Litigating The first session of the 38th Congress adjourns for a two-week holiday recess
Personal In Washington D.C., Union officer and Irish Nationalist leader Michael Corcoran dies in a fall
Crime/Disasters The railroad bridge at Gray's Ferry near Philadelphia suffers severe fire damage
Battles/Soldiers Off the Indonesian coast, the Alabama captures and burns an American merchant ship
Battles/Soldiers In Philadelphia, the veterans of the 29th Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry are welcomed home
Personal British author William Makepeace Thackeray dies suddenly at his home in London, aged fifty-two
Lawmaking/Litigating - The first session of the 38th Congress is in a two-week holiday recess until January 6, 1864
Education/Culture Henry Wadsworth Longfellow writes his poem "I heard the Bells of Christmas Day"
Personal Union officer and Irish Nationalist leader Michael Corcoran is buried in New York City
Science/Technology In Egypt, the 130 mile fresh water canal from the Nile to the diggings of the Suez Canal is completed