Record Data
Source citation
Moncure Daniel Conway, Diary, 1851-1853, MC 1999.6, Moncure Daniel Conway Family Papers, Archives and Special Collections, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA, p. 33-34.
Date Certainty
Sayo Ayodele
Transcription date
The following text is presented here in complete form, as it originally appeared in print. Spelling and typographical errors have been preserved as in the original.
2d. Went to Philadelphia. J.S. Girsuch [Gorsuch] aboard - seemed very much dejected on acct. of the murder of his father by the fugitive at Christiana where he was going. We put up at the Columbian - slept together. Went to see Mr. G.R. Crook & lady. Houseful - Mr. Crook's mother & family from Carlisle. Took much int. in watching the Bloomer promenade. It is decidedly pretty - the dress- and just as becoming & decent as the other. People say "How would you like to see your sister dressed thus" - Ans. "Just as well as I would like to see them put on a longer dress if this had been the fashion รก century." I had little admiration for the Phil. Bloomers because I saw none in the daytime: which showed that it was not for use but promenade.