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THE MINT. – The annual amount of nonsense was ventilated on Tuesday in the Senate about the Mint in New York. Pennsylvanians seem to labor under the chronic conviction that without the Mint Philadelphia would instantly become extinct – and gentlemen from other sections apparently imagine that its location in New-York is considered indispensable to the prosperity of this City and State. So long as this impression prevails, we hope it will never come here. Indeed, except for the sake of commerce and the benefit of the Federal Treasury, we should wish never to see any establishment which should increase the number of Federal office-holders in this City. New-York cares nothing whatever for the Mint on her own account. She has managed to exist and to enjoy a very comfortable degree of prosperity for a number of years without it, and we do not believe she will suffer seriously even if its absence were to be perpetual. If Government arranges these matters to relieve the necessities of the most destitute and needy portions of the country, let Philadelphia by all means keep it.