Abraham Lincoln to Charles H. Ray, November 20, 1858

    Source citation
    Abraham Lincoln to Charles H. Ray, November 20, 1858, Springfield, IL, in Roy P. Basler, ed., The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (8 vols., New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1953), 3: 341-342, http://quod.lib.umich.edu/l/lincoln/.
    Date Certainty
    Transcription adapted from The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (1953), edited by Roy P. Basler
    Adapted by Ben Lyman, Dickinson College
    The following transcript has been adapted from The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln (1953).

    Dr. C. H. Ray Springfield,

    My dear Sir Novr. 20, 1858

    I wish to preserve a Set of the late debates (if they may be called so) between Douglas and myself. To enable me to do so, please get two copies of each number of your paper containing the whole, and send them to me by Express; and I will pay you for the papers & for your trouble. I wish the two sets, in order to lay one away in the raw, and to put the other in a Scrap-book. Remember, if part of any debate is on both sides of one sheet, it will take two sets to make one scrap-book.

    I believe, according to a letter of yours to Hatch you are "feeling like h---ll yet.'' Quit that. You will soon feel better. Another "blow-up'' is coming; and we shall have fun again. Douglas managed to be supported both as the best instrument to put down and to uphold the slave power; but no ingenuity can long keep these antagonisms in harmony. Yours as ever A. LINCOLN

    How to Cite This Page: "Abraham Lincoln to Charles H. Ray, November 20, 1858," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College, https://hd.housedivided.dickinson.edu/node/27481.