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Mr. Breckinridge’s Great Speech at Lexington.
We have received a full sketch of the speech of the Democratic candidate for the Presidency, delivered at Lexington on the 6th instant; but the columns of our present issue were pre-occupied before it came to hand, and its publication is necessarily deferred until our next number, when it will be published in an official form. It is a great speech, perfectly overwhelming in its refutation of the charges against its author by his unscrupulous adversaries – in its overthrow of the charge of “disunion” against the Democratic party – and in its vindication of the Democratic doctrine of protection to the persons and property of the citizens of the South in the common Territories. The speech is worthy of the momentous times in which it is uttered, and worthy of the standard-bearer and representative man of the only national party in the country, and the only one upon which rest the hopes of the friends of the Constitution.