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SPAIN AS AN AMERICAN POWER. – That favorite dream of the American Democracy – the annexation of Cuba – seems to have vanished into empty air, and the boastful programme of the present Administration remains unaccomplished in this as in other particulars. Spain is rising in the world, and as she rises, she assumes a haughtier and more dictatorial attitude. Never at any time disposed to sell the ever-faithful island, she now spurns the mere mention of such a bargain with contempt.
She has lately intervened between the contending parties in Mexico; and she is exhibiting, in more ways than one, her determination to reassert her pretensions as an American Power. We learn, by the last arrival from Havana, that some 400 Spanish soldiers, with an abundance of military supplies, have been lately landed in Santo Domingo to establish in that Republic on a firmer basis the foothold of Spanish power and Spanish policy. A journal advocating Spanish views has also been started there. This certainly looks as though Spain contemplated an enlargement instead of any diminution of her West Indian possessions. Mr. BUCHANAN should let this fact appear in his next Presidential Message as an explanation why he has been unable to fulfill his promise of annexing Cuba to the United States.