ARMS FOR THE REBELS. – It is well known to numerous parties in this City, that some two or three months since, a contract was made with the Consul-General of Belgium; at New Orleans, by the seceding States, for a supply of arms of the most approved pattern. These arms were to be manufactured at Leige, at one of the most celebrated establishments in Europe. The contract was for a million dollars’ worth. It is now very nearly, if not quite time for these weapons to be received at the Southern ports. Hence the greater necessity for their immediate and thorough blockade.
To disarm an enemy is to place him wholly in our power. The Southern States can arm only in Europe and in the North. We must not, hereafter, suffer them to get a single weapon from either quarter. The gun that did the work at Sumter was a rifled cannot imported from England. In three months more, if we are not on the alert, the rebels will have hundreds of them. Will not our Government immediately look after this matter, and not let a still greater catastrophe than Fort Sumter be enacted through its own negligence.