A small federal force had garrisoned Fort Pickens, a key fortress that controlled Pensacola Bay, since early in the year. On secret orders from President Lincoln, delivered by naval Lieutenant John L. Worden to the federal ships off the coast, soldiers and marines were landed under cover of darkness in small boats to reinforce the eighty men holding the installation. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
War Department, et al.,The War of the Rebellion: a compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies. ; Series 1 - Volume 1 (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1880), I: 460.
Chronicles of the Great Rebellion Against the United States of America ... (Philadelphia,PA: A. Winch, 1867), 6.
Chronicles of the Great Rebellion Against the United States of America ... (Philadelphia,PA: A. Winch, 1867), 6.
Record Data
Date Certainty