Election of 1864

Date Event
Democrats take control of Chicago City Council from Unionists in municipal elections
Before a massive crowd in Ohio, Congressman Vallandigham denounces the war and President Lincoln
In municipal elections, Unionists wrest political control of Des Moines, Iowa from Democrats
In the early morning hours, soldiers arrest Ohio Congressman C. L. Vallandigham at his home in Dayton
Large and angry crowds gather in Cincinnati, Ohio to protest the arrest of Congressman Vallandigham
- A Military Commission tries Clement Vallandigham in Cincinnati for "disloyal sentiments and opinions"
Congressman Clement Vallandigham applies for a writ of "Habeus Corpus" in a Cincinnati court
Congressman Clement Vallandigham denied a writ of "Habeas Corpus" in a Cincinnati court
President Lincoln banishes Congressman Clement Vallandigham to the Confederacy
Indiana's Democrats hold a mass meeting at their convention in Indianapolis
War Democrat John Brough nominated for Unionist Governor of Ohio to face Vallandigham
The Pennsylvania Democratic State Convention opens in Harrisburg
In Montpelier, the Vermont Democrats nominate Timothy P. Redfield for governor in the fall elections
The controversial "Pomeroy Circular"advocating Abraham Lincoln's replacement begins to appear
In Mobile Bay, Alabama, U.S. naval forces win a comprehensive victory over the Confederate fleet
- In Chicago, the Democratic Party meets for its national nominating convention
The Union's Army of the Tennessee captures Atlanta, boosting northern morale and Republican prospects
The people of Nevada vote on their proposed constitution and statehood
John C. Frémont withdraws from the presidential election, healing a dangerous split in the Republican vote
In Philadelphia. the National Union, supporting President Lincoln, scores impressive wins in state and city elections
Union cavalry General George Custer leads a delegation to present captured battle-flags to the War Department
From the White House in Washington, President Lincoln proclaims Nevada as the Union's 36th state
Abraham Lincoln is re-elected as President of the United States and Republicans make sweeping electoral gains
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