Johnson's Impeachment

    Date Event
    Governor Crawford of Kansas appoints Edmund Ross to succeed James H. Lane in the U.S. Senate.
    The Massachusetts Republican Convention meets and has harsh words for President Johnson.
    In Galesburg, Illinois, the annual general meeting of Universalists condemns President Johnson.
    In a Cleveland, Ohio speech, Benjamin Butler threatens President Johnson with impeachment.
    Senator George Williams of Oregon introduces the "Tenure of Office Act" in the U.S. Senate.
    The U.S. Senate passes the initial version of the "Tenure of Office Act" on a vote of twenty-nine for and nine against.
    The House of Representatives requests its Judiciary Committee to investigate impeachment of President Johnson
    In Washington D.C., President Johnson vetoes the Colorado Statehood Bill
    The compromise "Tenure of Office Act" passes the U.S. Senate by a vote of twenty-two to ten.
    The compromise "Tenure of Office Act" passes the House of Representatives by a vote of 112 to 41.
    The U.S. Senate fails to override President Johnson's veto of the Colorado Statehood Bill.
    President Johnson rejects the "Tenure of Office Bill" and the Congress over-rides his veto before the day is out.
    The Fortieth Congress orders its Judiciary Committee to continue impeachment investigations on President Johnson
    In Washington, the House Judiciary Committee reports and recommends the impeachment of President Johnson.
    The Fortieth Congress strongly rejects its Judiciary Committee's recommendation to President Johnson.
    How to Cite This Page: "Johnson's Impeachment," House Divided: The Civil War Research Engine at Dickinson College,