Secretary of War Stanton, on the pretext of public safety, had surrounded the site of Lincoln's assassination with troops on July 10, 1865 to prevented its planned re-opening. The War Department came to an agreement with Ford to purchase the theater and it was converted into offices. The building would have to wait until 1968 to see another play performed on its restored stage. (By John Osborne)
Source Citation
Chronicles of the Great Rebellion Against the United States of America (Philadelphia, PA: A. Winch, 1867), 109.
Brendan H. Egan, Jr, Murder at Ford's Theatre: A Chronicle of An Assassination (Bloomington, IN: XLibris Corporation, 2008), np.
Brendan H. Egan, Jr, Murder at Ford's Theatre: A Chronicle of An Assassination (Bloomington, IN: XLibris Corporation, 2008), np.
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