Record Data
Kansas and the South.
From the Mobile Register.
Mr. J.C. CUNNINGHAM of Leavenworth City, who is mentioned by the Louisiana Courier as being in New Orleans on an emigrating mission, passed through the city yesterday on his way to the interior of the Southern States. It is the object of Mr. CUNNINGHAM to induce Southern men to settle in Kansas. He has resided in that territory for a long time, and as he has an opportunity of becoming thoroughly acquainted with the country, he is willing to give persons wishing to emigrate there the information he has acquired. It is his purpose to appeal to the personal interests of emigrants who would settle and engage in agricultural pursuits; who would place their dependence for success upon their industry and attention to business; and who would carry with them a Southern spirit and determine to throw the weight of their influence in the scale of Southern institutions. He wants substantial and economical men, who would cultivate the soil and make good citizens and not hired emissaries, whose residence there would depend alone upon the pittance contributed to them as emigrants.