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The Charleston Convention.
This body has adjourned without making a nomination, and will meet in Baltimore on the 19th of June, prox. They had fifty-nine ballots for President, with but little variation of the vote, and were unable to get the requisite two-thirds for any candidate. The session was the most stormy and disgraceful ever held, and its disorganizing effects will be severely felt by the Democracy, and assuredly place a Republican in the Presidential chair in 1860.
The seceding states have also adjourned, to meet at Richmond, Va., at the same time the Baltimore Convention meets. If Douglas is nominated then, which is not at all probable, they will put in nomination another ticket, and undoubtedly carry Mississippi, Alabama, Louisiana, South Carolina, Georgia, Texas and probably other Southern States, thus rendering Douglas’ election impossible. Their object will be to throw the election into the House for a choice. In this, however, they will be disappointed, for the nominee of the Chicago Convention, in case of such a split will sweep every Northern State except California and Oregon.