
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Lawmaking/Litigating In Eastern Maryland, Judge Richard Bennett is pistol-whipped and arrested in his own courtroom
Education/Culture The harness racing season opens in New York City with a $800 match race on Long Island
Crime/Disasters Fire in Rochester, New York destroys a huge grain elevator and 50,000 bushels of grain
Crime/Disasters Fire in a fireworks factory in Utica, New York kills a worker
Crime/Disasters Large and fatal fire sweeps through the kerosene storage warehouses on the Brooklyn waterfront
Lawmaking/Litigating In Union occupied New Orleans, William B. Mumford goes on trial for pulling down an American flag
Battles/Soldiers - Largest battle yet in the eastern theater fought at Fair Oaks, Virginia near Richmond
Battles/Soldiers Commanding general of the Army of Northern Virginia badly wounded on the battlefield
Battles/Soldiers Robert E. Lee is appointed field commander of the Army of Northern Virginia
US/the World France forces the Vietnamese officially to cede three valuable provinces in the Treaty of Saigon
Lawmaking/Litigating In Union occupied New Orleans, William B. Mumford is hanged for treason
Battles/Soldiers In Atlanta, James J. Andrews is executed for his role as leader of the raid on the Georgia rail system
Battles/Soldiers The Battle of Port Republic, June 9, 1862
Battles/Soldiers In Richmond, the Confederate Navy court of inquiry into the scuttling of the Merrimac makes its report
Science/Technology - A total eclipse of the Moon late in the evening is visible across much of the United States
Personal Owen Lovejoy speaks at an Emancipation League meeting in New York City
Battles/Soldiers In Atlanta, seven Union raiders from the failed attack on the Georgia rail system are hanged as spies
Lawmaking/Litigating The U.S. Senate trial of U.S. District Judge West H. Humphreys of Tennessee ends with his removal
Battles/Soldiers - Sevens Days Battle, June 25 – July 1, 1862
Battles/Soldiers The Battle of Oak Grove, June 25, 1862
Dickinsonian Dickinson College holds annual commencement ceremonies
Battles/Soldiers The Battle of Beaver Dam Creek, June 26, 1862
Battles/Soldiers Battle of Gaines' Mill
Battles/Soldiers - The Battle of Garnett's and Golding's Farms, June 27-28, 1862
Battles/Soldiers The Battle of Savage's Station, June 29, 1862
Education/Culture Moncure Conway publishes "The Golden Hour"
Battles/Soldiers The Battle of Malvern Hill, July 1, 1862
Personal Moncure Conway liberates his father's slaves
Lawmaking/Litigating President Lincoln signs the Second Confiscation Act authorizing freedom for confiscated slaves
Lawmaking/Litigating The second session of the 37th Congress ends in Washington, DC