
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Lawmaking/Litigating - A Military Commission tries Clement Vallandigham in Cincinnati for "disloyal sentiments and opinions"
Crime/Disasters On the Mississippi, fire destroys steamboat, killing one passenger and hundreds of Army horses
Battles/Soldiers Dozens of New Jersey infantrymen drown in Kentucky while crossing the Cumberland River
Crime/Disasters In Tennessee, Confederate General Earl Van Dorn is shot to death by a jealous husband
Business/Industry New paddle steamer launched for the U.S. Navy at the Philadelphia Naval Yard
US/the World - In the Polish Insurrection, three days of battles with Russian forces ends in defeat for the insurgents
Business/Industry Twelve railwaymen in Michigan form the Brotherhood of the Footboard, first permanent engineers' union
Battles/Soldiers U.S.S. Canandaiga captures the blockade runner S.S. Cherokee off Charleston
US/the World The Granadina Confederation reorganizes and renames itself "The United States of Colombia"
Crime/Disasters In southern England, a small farming village is almost completely destroyed in an afternoon fire
Battles/Soldiers Decisive French action defeats a Mexican force attempting to resupply the besieged city of Puebla
Lawmaking/Litigating Hugh McCulloch begins service as the first U.S. Comptroller of the Currency
Lawmaking/Litigating Congressman Clement Vallandigham applies for a writ of "Habeus Corpus" in a Cincinnati court
Crime/Disasters Lake Erie cargo ship explodes its boiler off Cleveland, Ohio, killing four
Personal General Thomas J. "Stonewall" Jackson dies of his wounds and pneumonia at Guinea Station, Virginia
Battles/Soldiers Future Michigan Congressman wins the Congressional Medal of Honor at Horseshoe Bend in Kentucky
Battles/Soldiers Sharp fighting at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend on the Cumberland River in Kentucky
Crime/Disasters Three thousand pounds of gunpowder explodes at a cartridge factory on New York City's East River
Lawmaking/Litigating Congressman Clement Vallandigham denied a writ of "Habeas Corpus" in a Cincinnati court
US/the World On the African island of Madagascar, King Radamo and his political allies are murdered in a coup led by his Prime Minister
Crime/Disasters Baggage master killed in the wreck of a Michigan Central passenger train near Chicago
Battles/Soldiers In Mississippi, Grant's advance on Vicksburg continues with victory at the Battle of Raymond
Religion/Philosophy The American Tract Society holds its 38th Annual Meeting in New York City
Settlers/Immigrants - In Montana, Crow Indians attack the fifteen men of John Stuart's Big Horn Expedition killing several
Lawmaking/Litigating The new Confederate National Flag flies for the first time over the Confederate Capitol in Richmond
Campaigns/Elections The well-to-do women of Springfield, Illinois form a "Loyal Ladies League"
Campaigns/Elections The American Temperance Union holds its annual meeting in New York City
Battles/Soldiers - A powerful Union naval bombardment fails to silence the defenses of Port Hudson, Louisiana
Personal General H.G. Berry, Chancellorsville casualty, is buried in his home town of Rockland, Maine
Battles/Soldiers Grant's Union Army captures Jackson, the state capital of Mississippi