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Battles/Soldiers In Obion County, Tennessee, a dawn attack on Union City routs its Confederate defenders
Business/Industry The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad opens service for the first time in a year
Battles/Soldiers Major General David Hunter takes command of the Union Army's new Department of the South
Battles/Soldiers - Union soldiers and sailors carry out a daring night raid on Confederate defenses near Island Number Ten
Battles/Soldiers In the Shenandoah Valley, Union forces skirmish with retreating Confederates around Woodstock
Battles/Soldiers In Virginia, General George McClellan joins his troops at Fort Monroe to begin the advance on Richmond
Battles/Soldiers Confederate General "Stonewall" Jackson arrests a subordinate for "neglect of duty" at Kernstown
Lawmaking/Litigating The United States Senate passes President Lincoln's suggested resolution to help end slavery gradually
Battles/Soldiers The War Department suspends military recruitment across the North
Battles/Soldiers Union naval units occupy Appalachicola, Florida
Lawmaking/Litigating On a party line vote, the U.S. Senate votes to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia
Battles/Soldiers Confederate General Albert Sidney Johnston reorganizes the Army of the Mississippi into three corps
Battles/Soldiers President Lincoln creates two new army departments, one directly protecting Washington DC
Battles/Soldiers - The U.S.S. Carondelet makes her daring night run past the Confederate blockade on the Mississippi
Education/Culture - In billiards, Michael Foley wins his much anticipated return match with Dudley Kavanaugh
Battles/Soldiers On the Virginia Peninsula, the Army of the Potomac advances to besiege Yorktown
Battles/Soldiers Irving Carson, Chicago Tribune war correspondent, is killed on the first day of the Battle of Shiloh
Personal Albert Sidney Johnston becomes the war's highest ranking casualty when he bleeds to death at Shiloh
Battles/Soldiers Massed Confederate forces attack the Union's Army of the Tennessee at Pittsburg Landing
Battles/Soldiers At Pittsburg Landing, Union reinforcements turn the tide on the second day of the Battle of Shiloh
Campaigns/Elections In Rockville, Maryland Unionists meet to denounce the bill to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia
Battles/Soldiers On the Kentucky Bend of the Mississippi, Island Number Ten falls to Union army and navy forces
Science/Technology Philadelphian John D. Lynde patents the first aerosol dispenser or "Improved Bottle for Aerated Liquids"
Battles/Soldiers - Union forces evacuate Jacksonville, Florida and the Confederacy reoccupies the town
Business/Industry On Fifth Avenue in New York City, the Delmonico Brothers open their third establishment
Battles/Soldiers - In coastal Georgia, Fort Pulaski endures a thirty hour Union bombardment before surrendering
Lawmaking/Litigating In Washington D.C., the House passes the bill to abolish slavery in the District of Columbia
US/the World At Vera Cruz, British and Spanish troops begin to withdraw from the Allied intervention into Mexico
Personal Death of former New Jersey Senator and Whig vice-presidential candidate Theodore Freylinghuysen
Battles/Soldiers In Georgia, Union infiltrators commandeer a Confederate train and initiate the "Great Locomotive Chase"