
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Education/Culture American child prodigy pianist Willie Pape plays his first public concert in London
Crime/Disasters On the California coast, a steamboat's boiler explodes killing forty and injuring seventeen others
Crime/Disasters British immigrant ship bound for Quebec sinks off Newfoundland with very heavy loss of life
Battles/Soldiers - The Army of the Potomac concentrates on Chancellorsville in preparation for an attack on Lee
US/the World Peru prohibits the importation of workers from the Pacific islands
Personal Future newspaper magnate William Randolph Hearst is born in San Francisco, California
Religion/Philosophy A National Day of Fasting and Prayer is held across the North
US/the World In Mexico, outnumbered French Legionnaires fight to the last in the legendary battle at Camarón
Education/Culture School for the physically disabled opened in New York City
Battles/Soldiers Union and Confederate armies collide near Chancellorsville in Spotsylvania County, Virginia
Campaigns/Elections Before a massive crowd in Ohio, Congressman Vallandigham denounces the war and President Lincoln
Battles/Soldiers The Army of the Tennessee secures its beachhead across the Mississippi at the Battle of Port Gibson
Lawmaking/Litigating The Confederate Congress outlines dire consequences for black Union soldiers and their white officers
Business/Industry Railroad and steamboat lines meet to coordinate Montreal-New York schedules
Crime/Disasters In Philadelphia, a massive fire completely destroys a large railroad car factory on Market Street
US/the World In London, British labor leaders call on U.S. Ambassador Adams to relay their support to President Lincoln
Battles/Soldiers "Stonewall" Jackson's flanking movement seizes the initiative in the Battle of Chancellorsville
Personal "Friendly fire" strikes and wounds General T.J. Jackson and several members of his staff on the Chancellorsville battlefield
Battles/Soldiers Union infantrymen finally take Marye's Heights in the Second Battle of Fredericksburg
Battles/Soldiers Lee's Army of Northern Virginia forces back entrenched Union forces at the Battle of Chancellorsville
Battles/Soldiers - Union reinforcements prevented from reaching Chancellorsville at Battle of Salem Church
Business/Industry - The National Typographical Union holds its annual meeting in Cleveland, Ohio
Crime/Disasters In New York State, a destructive fire strikes the town of Lockport
Campaigns/Elections In municipal elections, Unionists wrest political control of Des Moines, Iowa from Democrats
US/the World The British government's plan to end income tax exemptions for charities meets with fierce opposition
US/the World A Maori revolt erupts in New Zealand
Education/Culture In Maryland, Philadelphia-based Joe Coburn retains his American heavyweight boxing title
Campaigns/Elections Large and angry crowds gather in Cincinnati, Ohio to protest the arrest of Congressman Vallandigham
Campaigns/Elections In the early morning hours, soldiers arrest Ohio Congressman C. L. Vallandigham at his home in Dayton
Battles/Soldiers - The beaten Union Army retreats across the Rappahannock, ending the Battle of Chancellorsville