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Type Title
Lawmaking/Litigating More than a thousand names are drawn in the resumed Draft Lottery in New York's Sixteenth Ward
Battles/Soldiers The Battle of Chattanooga, August 21, 1863
Battles/Soldiers In Tennessee, retreating Confederates cut the vital rail link between Nashville and Chattanooga
Battles/Soldiers In Charleston Harbor, Massachusetts troops clear the advanced rifle pits in front of Fort Wagner
Science/Technology British scientists estimate the country's coal reserves will last 930 years at present levels of consumption
Personal The troops of the Pennsylvania Reserve present General George Meade with a valuable sword in recognition of his leadership
Crime/Disasters In Virginia, five deserters from the 118th Pennsylvania are executed before the entire V Corps, Army of the Potomac
Battles/Soldiers An experimental Confederate submarine sinks in Charleston Harbor during a training accident, killing five
Battles/Soldiers An experimental Confederate submarine sinks in Charleston Harbor during a training accident, killing five
US/the World The British Prime Minister orders the detention of two recently British-built vessels for the Confederacy
In Charleston Harbor, a night attack by Union small boats on Battery Gregg is easily repulsed
Battles/Soldiers In Charleston Harbor, after months of bloody attacks and meticulous siege, Union troops occupy Fort Wagner
Battles/Soldiers The Confederate garrisons of Fort Wagner and Battery Gregg abandon their defense and slip away in the night
Battles/Soldiers In Charleston Harbor, Confederate Fort Moultrie suffers a massive magazine explosion under U.S. Navy gunfire
Battles/Soldiers In northern Virginia, units of the Army of the Potomac pass in review before their commander, General Meade
Battles/Soldiers In Texas, the Confederate fort defending the Sabine Pass defeats a far superior Union amphibious attack
Battles/Soldiers Union forces under General Burnside occupy the Cumberland Gap
US/the World A 6000-man rebel army captures the city of Santiago in Spanish-ruled Santo Domingo
Battles/Soldiers Union cavalry capture Culpeper, Virginia after a sharp mounted action through the town
Battles/Soldiers - Moving out from newly captured Culpeper, Virginia, Union cavalry units probe Confederate positions
US/the World Rebels in Spanish-ruled Santo Domingo make a new declaration of independence
Battles/Soldiers - In Georgia, advancing Union forces suffer a very heavy defeat near Chickamauga Creek
Battles/Soldiers The cornerstone of the Soldiers' Monument is laid at Hampton National Cemetery in Virginia.
US/the World Mexican conservatives ask Austrian prince Maximilian to become Emperor of Mexico
Science/Technology Alfred Nobel takes out his first patent for nitro-glycerine in Sweden
Battles/Soldiers The experimental Confederate submarine, H.L. Hunley again sinks in Charleston Harbor during trials, drowning eight men
Crime/Disasters French ship founders in the Atlantic but the fortunate passengers and crew are rescued by an American vessel
Education/Culture In London, the Football Association, the first governing body of its kind in the world, is founded
US/the World In Glasgow, Scotland, the British-built "Pampero," planned for the Confederate Navy, is launched
US/the World The new, seventeen year-old King George arrives in Athens to begin a popular and successful fifty year reign