
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Battles/Soldiers Near Grand Coteau, Louisiana, Confederate forces defeat Union infantry in the battle of Bayou Bourbeau
Science/Technology In South Africa, the Cape Colony's first railway line is opened between Capetown and Wellington
Battles/Soldiers Steamer from St. Louis to New Orleans attacked below Vicksburg, Mississippi
Crime/Disasters Near Island 16 in the Mississippi, a riverboat is destroyed by fire and twenty-five lives lost
Battles/Soldiers - In Charleston Harbor, the U.S.S Lehigh runs aground under the guns of Fort Sumter and is badly damaged
Education/Culture In Pennsylvania, visitors begin to throng into Gettysburg for the upcoming visit of President Lincoln
Religion/Philosophy Henry Ward Beecher's church members welcome him home from a lengthy trip to Europe
Science/Technology On the Channel coast, the British test, successfully, a new fog-horn invented in New London, Connecticut
Education/Culture Visitors and townsfolk serenade President Lincoln on a warm and clear Gettysburg evening
Education/Culture The Wills family hosts President Lincoln for the night in Gettysburg
Education/Culture The Governor of Pennsylvania misses his connection with the President at Hanover Junction
Business/Industry The Atlantic and Great Western Railroad connects Cleveland with New York
Education/Culture President Lincoln leaves Washington for Gettysburg and the dedication of the new National Cemetery
Lawmaking/Litigating - In Richmond, Virginia, the First Confederate Congress is sitting in its fourth and final session
Education/Culture Edward Everett, the famous orator, speaks at the dedication of the Soldiers' Cemetery in Gettysburg
Education/Culture President Lincoln delivers his "dedicatory remarks" at the consecration of the Soldiers' Cemetery
Education/Culture Philadelphia observes a day of fasting for the dedication of the Soldiers' Cemetery in Gettysburg
Science/Technology On the English coast, Sir William Armstrong's latest heavy cannon undergoes successfully tests
Education/Culture Abraham Lincoln, on horseback, leads the procession to the new Gettysburg cemetery
Education/Culture President Lincoln departs Gettysburg for Washington after a brief service at the Presbyterian church
Battles/Soldiers The newly purchased Confederate ship "Rappahannock" slips out of its English Channel port at midnight
Battles/Soldiers Above Chattanooga, Tennessee, Union troops storm the Confederate positions on Lookout Mountain
Crime/Disasters A few days after arriving from New York, the transport ship "Aquila" sinks at its wharf in San Francisco
Battles/Soldiers In northern Georgia, retreating Confederates mount a bold and successful defense of the Ringgold Gap
Religion/Philosophy The first Sunday of Advent in the Christian calendar
Battles/Soldiers In Tennessee, a massive dawn Confederate infantry attack on Knoxville's defenses fails completely
Crime/Disasters In Albany, New York, an evening altercation leads to a fatal shooting
Campaigns/Elections In New York City elections, Independent Democrat C. Godfrey Gunther wins the mayor's race
Personal The wife of former president Franklin Pierce passes away from tuberculosis in Andover, Massachusetts
Crime/Disasters In New York City, an entire city block burns leaving forty families homeless