
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Battles/Soldiers Baltimore rioters mount a deadly attack on the Sixth Massachusetts in the streets of the city
Battles/Soldiers - Marylanders in sympathy with the South burn railroad bridges linking Philadelphia with Washington DC
Campaigns/Elections Remarkable gathering of 100,000 New Yorkers in Union Square in support of suppressing the rebellion
Carlisle/Dickinson First company of volunteers from Carlisle, Pennsylvania leaves for training, equipment, and service
Carlisle/Dickinson In Carlisle, Pennsylvania, a public meeting condemns the South and strongly supports the war
Education/Culture At Dickinson College, the Junior and Senior classes request the end of term be brought forward
Carlisle/Dickinson In Pennsylvania, the Carlisle Fencibles are officially mustered in as Pennsylvania Volunteers
Lawmaking/Litigating North Carolina authorities seize the branch United States Mint in Charlotte
Battles/Soldiers In Philadelphia, the empty Girard House Hotel becomes a giant army uniform factory
Campaigns/Elections In Knoxville, editor "Parson" Brownlow famously rejects invitation to enlist in Confederate army
Battles/Soldiers Philadelphia's enlistments since the attack on Fort Sumter approach ten thousand
Lawmaking/Litigating In Kansas, Leavenworth's ordinance against hogs running wild in the streets comes into effect
Battles/Soldiers Pennsylvania suffers its first war fatality when a Philadelphia militiaman hurt in the Baltimore Riot dies
Carlisle/Dickinson In Carlisle, Pennsylvania, the Democratic newspaper swings into line in support of the war
Battles/Soldiers U.S. Government takes over the Philadelphia, Wilmington, and Delaware Railroad
Carlisle/Dickinson In Carlisle, Pennsylvania, James Colwell is appointed first lieutenant of the Carlisle Fencibles
Education/Culture At Dickinson College in Pennsylvania, students are leaving for home in large numbers
Science/Technology In Milan, Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli discovers the 69 Hesperia asteroid
Battles/Soldiers Three new federal army departments are formed
Crime/Disasters In Kansas, a destructive fire causes heavy damage to a block in Leavenworth's business district
Lawmaking/Litigating The Congress of the Confederate States opens a special session session in Montgomery, Alabama
Lawmaking/Litigating In Frederick, Maryland, the state's House of Delegates votes down secession
Education/Culture In Carlisle, Pennsylvania, Dickinson College students are finding it difficult to attend class
Lawmaking/Litigating - The Congress of the Confederate States is sitting in special session session in Montgomery, Alabama
Battles/Soldiers Bodies of 6th Massachusetts soldiers killed in Baltimore return to Boston
Battles/Soldiers In Boston, family members officially identify the bodies of the Massachusetts soldiers killed in Baltimore
Lawmaking/Litigating President Lincoln's twenty day grace period for the rebellion to "disperse" expires
Battles/Soldiers Union troops seize and fortify the Relay House on the Baltimore and Washington Railroad in Maryland
US/the World In Parliament, the British foreign secretary declares the Confederacy at war with the Union
Lawmaking/Litigating Vermont repeals its Personal Liberty Law