
When searching a date use YYYY-MM-DD format.
Type Title
Crime/Disasters - In New York City, thousands of newly-bound books burn in a massive fire
Slavery/Abolition The Philadelphia Methodist Conference urges withdrawal of the Church's new "discipline" on slavery
Science/Technology In England, chemist William Brookes discovers a new chemical element
Lawmaking/Litigating Famous former Chief Justice of Massachusetts Lemuel Shaw dies at his home in Boston
US/the World Britain becomes the first state to recognize the new united Kingdom of Italy
US/the World Body of Napoleon Bonaparte reinterred under the great dome of Les Invalides in Paris
Campaigns/Elections In Virginia, secessionists raise the Confederate flag in a ceremony near Richmond
Campaigns/Elections Governor Buckingham re-elected as Republicans once again sweep state elections in Connecticut
Campaigns/Elections In St. Louis, Missouri, a unified anti-Republican ticket takes control of mayor's office and city council
Crime/Disasters Night train from Philadelphia to Pittsburgh derails, injuring five passengers and damaging the mail car
Education/Culture Southern journalist urges the South to reclaim the "Star-Spangled Banner" as a southern patriotic song
Business/Industry Real estate sales in New York City
Crime/Disasters In Virginia, Richmond police locked up 238 people in the previous month, mostly for drunkeness
Lawmaking/Litigating In Ohio, Associate Justice John McLean of the U.S. Supreme Court dies at his home in Cincinnati
Business/Industry With pressure on its bullion reserves easing, the Bank of England drops its discount rate again
Lawmaking/Litigating In Richmond, the Virginia Convention rejects secession in a decisive vote
Battles/Soldiers Confederate diplomats in Washington pass on news of federal military and naval preparations
Slavery/Abolition Richmond newspaper editorial defends slavery as a vital financial need for Virginia
Crime/Disasters In Ireland, a Dublin omnibus crashes into the Grand Canal and six passengers drown
Campaigns/Elections In Kentucky, Unionist John M. Delph easily wins election as the mayor of Louisville
Crime/Disasters Fire in Plymouth, Massachusetts badly injures two firefighters
Business/Industry In Philadelphia, John Wanamaker and Nathan Brown open their first store on Market Street
Education/Culture Jerry Bryant, leader of the famous Bryant's Minstrels, dies suddenly in New York City, aged thirty-two
Battles/Soldiers President Lincoln gives South Carolina notice that he intends to resupply Fort Sumter
US/the World - Official period of Britain's seventh national census takes place overnight
Campaigns/Elections In New Jersey, the state capital Trenton elects its first Republican mayor
Battles/Soldiers From Montgomery, the Confederate secretary of war orders immediate action against Fort Sumter
Battles/Soldiers General Beauregard demands that Major Anderson surrender Fort Sumter immediately
Battles/Soldiers Federal troops evacuated from Texas arrive in New York Harbor
Battles/Soldiers In Washington, DC, the District of Columbia militia called out and sworn in for three months